4° Convegno Mondiale sull’Artroplastica – Madrid 19/20 Aprile 2024

Pokerissimo di n. 5 lavori inviati e tutti accettati nel programma scientifico della quarta edizione del W.A.C. (World Arthroplasty Congress) che si terrà a Madrid i prossimi 19 e 20 Aprile.

Di seguito i titoli dei lavori accettati:

  1. Restoring global offset in total hip arthroplasty with a 3 offset option double-tapered stem. a monocentricic mid-term follow-up experience.
  2. The role of the acetabular evaluation and treatment in vancouver b2 postoperative periprosthetic fractures. a standardized and reproducible surgical technique.
  3. Low complication rate using tibial tubercle osteotomy in difficult exposure during total knee arthroplasty. a monocentric long term experience.
  4. Incidence and surgical treatment of component breakage after unicompartmental and total knee arthroplasty. a single centre long-term experience.
  5. Psychological and clinical issues in octogenarians and nonagenarians patients addressing elective total hip arthroplasty.

Autori: A. Camera, R. Tedino, G. Cattaneo, A. Capuzzo, S. Biggi.